International Baccalaureate® Programmes
What is an IB World School?
IB World Schools share a common philosophy—a commitment to improve the teaching and learning of a diverse and inclusive community of students by delivering challenging, high quality Programs of international education that share a powerful vision.
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Only schools authorized by the International Baccalaureate can offer any of its four academic programs: the Primary Years Program (PYP), the Middle Years Program (MYP), the Diploma Program or the Career-related Program (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programs, visit
North Salem High School Authorized as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School
North Salem High School has become the newest member of an ever-growing global community of 5,400 schools offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) in 158 different countries. North Salem will be the 20th school in Oregon providing the IB Diploma Programme (DP) and only the 3rd providing the IB Career-related Programme (CP); North is the first to offer both the DP and CP in Salem-Keizer.
Dr. Chad Towe, principal of North Salem High School says, “North Salem High School is well prepared and perfectly suited to usher in this new era as we join a group of schools that deliver a challenging, rewarding, and accessible international education. The recent authorization for both the IB Diploma Programme and Career-related Programme marks a significant moment worth celebrating with the students who will benefit from an IB education, and our entire school-community, who all have much to be proud.”
IB DP and CP previous Coordinator Michael Simental says, “The North community has long been committed to ensuring all students have access to a rigorous and equitable education. Neither the DP nor the CP are ‘elite’ programs intended only for the most gifted. All students are encouraged, supported, and welcomed.”
“This achievement represents North’s commitment to high standards and creating an environment where students are encouraged and supported to become caring, reflective, and principled international thinkers and communicators. I know the North staff has prepared for this accomplishment and students will mark this occasion for years to come; the entire community will rise to meet these opportunities from our foundation of shared excellence.” - Superintendent
The IB Diploma Program
The IB Diploma Program (DP) is a two-year international education program that prepares students age 16–19 years for success going into, and throughout, university. The DP offers a holistic approach to teaching and learning with a keen focus on developing intercultural awareness. Students learn to explore and understand the world around them through inquiry, critical thinking and open-mindedness.
Benefits of The IB Diploma Program (DP)
- a challenging academic curriculum that serves as outstanding preparation for university and higher education
- a student-centered approach to teaching, focused on developing students intellectually, emotionally, physically and socially, as opposed to preparation for test-taking only
- a focus on international-mindedness, compassion, and understanding intercultural differences
- respected, reliable and world-renowned academic preparation
- universities regularly cite DP students as the best prepared for higher education.
- DP graduates excel at university and often begin their studies with advanced standing
DP Learners are prepared for the future
The IB Career-related Programme (CP)
The IB Career-related Programme (CP) is for students, age 16–19 years, who wish to focus on career-related learning in the last two years of secondary school. The CP combines the highly regarded and academically challenging courses from the IB Diploma Programme (DP) with practical, real-world approaches to learning. All of the elements of the CP help students develop the communication, personal, and academic skills necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world.
Benefits of CP
- combines academic subjects with professional interests
- encourages critical thinking and creativity in real-world situations
- helps students to effectively work independently and in collaboration with others
- opens new perspectives and a sense of international-mindedness
- develops greater self-confidence and self-awareness through study
Contact Amy Green (IB DP/CP Coordinator) or Principal Chad R. Towe at 503-399-3241. We are here to answer your questions about the IB Programs.
CP Learners analyse from a local and global perspective
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