District Community News
Join us for the first annual State of the District event to hear updates on our schools, key initiatives, and student achievements. Get a glimpse into the future of education in Salem-Keizer Public Schools!
The Awesome 3000 is May 3, 2025. Volunteers are needed to help make this community event a success!
As thousands of students finished up their classes and families prepared for their time home with loved ones, local educators and school staff worked on a special partnership with members from the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce and other community partners.
Regular attendance and engagement is a proven way to help students learn, grow and build a strong sense of community.
In partnership with Cherriots, the City of Salem, and the City of Keizer our community offers the Youth Zero Pass.
Learn about the opportunities available in the Salem-Keizer community to help students stay engaged over the summer and support student learning, wellness and engagement.
Summer 2024 is just around the corner, and there are several ways that students in our district can continue their learning and engage in fun activities during summer months. Check out the summer opportunities in our district and find the program that is right for your child!
With more than 2,000 students in our district identifying as part of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, SKPS schools welcome an array of cultures, each with unique traditions, languages and histories.
Children who will be 5-years-old on or before Sept. 10 are eligible to register for free, full-day kindergarten with SKPS!
The Salem-Keizer School Board of Directors selects Andrea Castañeda as the next superintendent of Salem-Keizer Public Schools.
Food Support
First Baptist Church Of Salem
395 Marion St. NE 97301
Call Meg and Craig Hammond
Mano A Mano Family Center
3850 Portland Rd, 2nd Floor 97301 5
Call Tuesdays at 1pm for foodboxes
New Hope Food Pantry @ New Hope Foursquare Church
4963 Swegle Road NE 97301
Food pantry is open on Sundays
Trinity United Methodist Church - Lord's Cupboard
590 Elma Avenue SE 97317
Saturday 1pm-3:30pm
Spanish Seventh Day Adventist
4625 Cordon Rd NE 97305
Wed 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Salem & Marion County Salvation Army Family Services
1977 Front Street NE 97301
Food Dist: 9am - Noon; Monday - Friday
Life Essentials Food Pantry @ Life Church
255 College Drive NW
Thurs: 6:30pm - 8pm Sat: 8:30am - 11:30am
Food Banks
Peoples Church
4500 Lancaster Dr. NE Salem
Door “G”
Salvation Army Family Services
1977 Front Street NE
Mon-Fri 9-12pm
If you or your family are in need of food, our team is assembling them daily and you can come by the Salvation Army Office to pick one up
Marion County Oregon
To protect the health of our community and ensure everyone has access to needed supplies, Marion County has established a food pantry to deliver food boxes to those in need.
Boxes include:
- Fresh produce and other food
- Paper products
- Household items
- Diapers
- Wipes
Request a Box Food Pantry
Hours: Mon-Fri 11-3pm
Contact: Email:
Phone: 503-361-2766
Queen of Peace - Table of Plenty
4227 Lone Oak Rd SE Salem
Thursdays 4:30-7pm
Salem Evangelical Church
455 Locust St NE Salem
Open every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month 7-11am
West Salem United Methodist
1219 3rd St NW Salem
Mon & Wed 1-3pm
St. Vincent De Paul
3745 Portland Rd NE
Mon- Fri 9:30am (food boxes) Rental or utility assistance available once / every 12 months
Pauline Memorial Amen Zion
3593 Sunnyview Rd NE Salem
Food boxes: Tuesdays 10:30-1:30pm
Fruits/veggies/dairy: 2nd & 4th Fri / every month 12-2pm
Kingwood Bible Church
1125 Elm St NW Salem
503-399-9600 Call to make appt first
Wed & Fri 9-12pm
New Harvest Church
4290 Portland Rd. Salem, OR 97301
1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
Monte Calvario-BIC Church
4276 Scott Ave. NE. Salem, OR 97305
Mondays 11:00 am. to 1:00 pm